Saturday, April 30, 2022


 The power of being a blonde woman

From Marilyn Monroe to Taylor Swift, blondes have always held a special place in our hearts. There's just something about their bright, radiant energy that draws us in. It's no wonder so many women aspire to be blondes—the power of blonde is undeniable. Blondes are often seen as more fun-loving and carefree, and they definitely know how to have a good time. They're also considered to be more attractive and successful, which is always a plus! If you're interested in tapping into the power of being a blonde, our Celestial Hair Extensions are the perfect way to do it. With our 100% Remy human hair extensions, you can add natural-looking highlights or go for an all-over blonde look. Whichever route you choose, you're sure to feel like a total bombshell!


What does it mean to be a blonde woman?

What does it mean to be a blonde woman? This question has been asked for centuries, and the answer is still not quite clear. Some people might say that being a blonde woman is all about having light hair; others might say that it's about having a certain personality or exhibiting specific behaviors. What we do know is that blonde women have long been considered sexy, alluring and desirable. They're often seen as the epitome of femininity and beauty. So, if you are a blonde woman, own it! Revel in your femininity and enjoy all that comes with it. Embrace your sexuality and be proud to stand out from the crowd. You are unique, special and one-of-a-kind – never forget that!


Her and the others!

You never need to bring others down to elevate yourself.

I was a woman who had so little self-confidence that I looked for faults in others to reassure me. And I also criticized other women, surely to enhance myself.

You never need to bring others down to elevate yourself.

When a woman was successful, beautiful, strong, appreciated, my first thought was “yes but”. I found what was wrong with her, in order to reduce this gap between her and me. In order to

reduce this chasm between the inspiring image that she had, and the disastrous image of me that I had.

I took down the others, criticized them, in order to raise myself a little. I was convinced that several stars cannot shine at the same time, that it was necessary to turn off the light of others to have a chance to shine.

I still see it every day, on social networks, in life, everywhere: many people think like that.

You don't need to build your success on the defeat of others. Besides, your success is not guaranteed by the success of others, on the contrary. This is what mentoring taught me, shine to help others shine, inspire to inspire, stop holding back, give, be in abundance.

You don't need to criticize others to value yourself, you don't need to look for their faults to erase yours, in fact it only brings them to light. You don't shine by turning off others, you shine by bringing others to light.

It is also for this reason that I write all my texts for you, but no longer spend a minute on the networks: I concentrate on radiating to enlighten, I do not focus on others but only on this that I can offer. That's the best advice I can give you.

To offer your customers, your friends, your loved ones, the best things possible, don't compare yourself, don't spend your time watching what's happening next, spend it evolving. Professionally, lovingly, friendly, personally. This is what makes that while some always try to succeed by crushing, you will have succeeded by flying away.

You have wings, fly away @ Marseille, France


She talks about her body

Accepting is not giving up.

To accept is not to give up, it is not to drown, nor is it to refuse to change.

When you experience a difficult emotion, be it anger, sadness, guilt, the first thing to do is accept, not fight. Let her come, understand her, accept that she is part of us.

Accepting it is also what makes it possible to transform it, to create a new one.

Many still think that controlling your emotions means repressing them. It's wrong.

It’s exactly the same lesson to remember about your body.

Accepting your body as it is today is not giving up.

It is not giving up on improving it, it is not forbidding oneself to change it.

Accepting your body does not mean resigning or forgetting it.

On the contrary.

You have to fully love what you already are today to want to cherish it even more. Transform it, no longer hide it, treat it well.

No, self-acceptance does not prohibit change, and it will not take you away from your goals, far from it.

No, accepting your feelings does not prevent you from controlling your emotions.

To accept is not to resign oneself, it is to begin a transformation.

It is to stop the fight, the abuse, and make a truce, peace, to create something better.

So stop. Stop being at war with your body, with your anger, your sadness, your fear, your sex, your past. It is high time to stop opposing acceptance and transformation.

In all walks of life.

Friday, April 29, 2022


Get Motivated Like Never Before



Feeling unmotivated? You're definitely not alone. Between work, family, and social obligations, it's hard to find the time and energy to pursue our passions. But getting motivated is key to living a happy and fulfilling life. If you're feeling stuck, don't worry. We've got five simple steps to help you get motivated like never before.

1. Why is it so hard to get motivated?

It's hard to stay motivated sometimes, especially when the going gets tough. It seems like every day we're faced with new obstacles and it's all too easy to give up. So why is it so hard to get motivated? There are a few reasons. First, we're often our own worst enemy. We set high standards for ourselves and then feel disappointed when we don't meet them. Second, we often lack the skills or knowledge necessary to take action. And lastly, fear can prevent us from moving forward. We're afraid of failing, being ridiculed or just plain old not succeeding. But don't worry, there are ways to overcome these roadblocks and get motivated like never before.


2. The 5 simple steps to get motivated like never before

1. Figure out what it is that you want

2. Identify your why

3. Set realistic goals

4. Make a plan and track your progress

5. Make a change

3. Step 1: Define your goal

The first step is to define your goal. What do you want to achieve? What are you working towards? Once you have a good understanding of your goal, you can start dreaming and planning how to achieve it. It's important to be realistic and specific when setting your goal. Want to get motivated like never before? Check out our five-step guide!


4. Step 2: Set yourself up for success

In order to set yourself up for success, you need to create an environment that's conducive to your goals. This means removing distractions and obstacles that might prevent you from achieving your targets. For instance, if you're trying to be more productive in the mornings, try turning off your phone and internet access so you can focus on your work. If you're trying to eat healthier, keep unhealthy foods out of your home and workspace. Make it easy for yourself to succeed by removing any barriers that might get in your way.


5. Step 3: Find your motivation

Step 3: Find your motivation. This may seem like the hard part, but it's not as difficult as you might think. To find your motivation, you need to ask yourself some deep questions. What are your passions? What makes you happy? What do you want most in life? Once you have an idea of what matters to you, it'll be easier to find the drive to achieve your goals. Remember, it's important to stay focused on what you want and not on what you don't want. So keep your motivation front and center in your mind—it'll be the source of your strength when times are tough.


Getting motivated is one of the biggest challenges we face in our daily lives, whether it's at work or at home. It can be tough to get started on a project or to push through when we're feeling tired and drained. But with these 5 simple steps, you can get motivated like never before and achieve anything you set your mind to. Let's get started!