Friday, March 4, 2022


From my readings:

She and the others!

You never need to bring others down to elevate yourself.

I was a woman who had so little self-confidence that I looked for faults in others to reassure me. And I also criticized other women, surely to enhance myself.

You never need to bring others down to elevate yourself.

When a woman was successful, beautiful, strong, appreciated, my first thought was “yes but”. I found what was wrong with her, in order to reduce this gap between her and me. In order to reduce this chasm

 between the inspiring image that she had, and the disastrous image of me that I had.

I took down the others, criticized them, in order to raise myself a little. I was convinced that several stars cannot shine at the same time, that it was necessary to turn off the light of others to have a chance to shine.

I still see it every day, on social networks, in life, everywhere: many people think like that.

You don't need to build your success on the defeat of others. Besides, your success is not guaranteed by the success of others, on the contrary. This is what mentoring taught me, shine to help others shine, inspire to inspire, stop holding back, give, be in abundance.

You don't need to criticize others to value yourself, you don't need to look for their faults to erase yours, in fact it only brings them to light. You don't shine by turning off others, you shine by bringing others to light.

It is also for this reason that I write all my texts for you, but no longer spend a minute on the networks: I concentrate on radiating to enlighten, I do not focus on others but only on this that I can offer. That's the best advice I can give you.

To offer your customers, your friends, your loved ones, the best things possible, don't compare yourself, don't spend your time watching what's happening next, spend it evolving. Professionally, lovingly, friendly, personally. This is what makes that while some always try to succeed by crushing, you will have succeeded by flying away.

You have wings, fly away .

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