Tuesday, March 22, 2022


Does everyone see the blue of the sky as blue like me?

Ever since I was little I have wondered:

Does everyone see the blue of the sky as blue like me?

Or do they call blue a color they see differently from me?


What if I was taught to think the sky is blue, but we all see the same color?


What if you find something ugly just because you've been taught to think it's ugly?

What if we think something is WRONG just because we've been told it's wrong all the time?


Whether we like it or not, we are deeply conditioned by our education, our history, but also by all the generations prior to ours.

We are full of certainties, because we no longer even question certain colors, certain notions, certain habits.


To cultivate the self is to get closer to what resonates right with us, to know how to question great certainties to get closer to a deeper truth in oneself.

It is looking at the sky seeing its beautiful color, but remembering that we say it is blue because we have been taught to name this color.


Let us also learn to detach ourselves from the conditioning that teaches us to think, to love, to hate, to name, and cultivate our free will.

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