Monday, February 7, 2022


Hwo to become a millionaire ?


To become a millionaire, it would be enough to use well 240 minutes a day.

According to an author who has followed millionaires for several years, the secret of those who succeed professionally lies in their use of free time. Their wealth would be 240 minutes a day, which they would use better than anyone else.

A day consists of 1440 minutes. Eating, drinking, sleeping, exercising ... All of this would take everyone around 1200 minutes. 240 minutes left.


It's the time spent strolling, dreaming, procrastinating... Hanging around, some would say. Still, those 240 minutes might just be the most important of the day.


According to Tom Corley, an author who has studied millionaires around the world, it is during his 240 minutes that the richest on the planet make the difference compared to the others. But how ?



In his study, entitled Rich Habits Study , and relayed by our colleagues from GQ, they detail how the richest occupy these 240 minutes. First of all, you have to keep in mind that these minutes are not used all at once, they are dispatched throughout the day.


60 minutes to dream

It is well known, you have to believe in your dreams. That, the millionaires have understood: they would spend an average of 60 minutes of their day imagining new things. From these periods of inspiration could arise new ideas and new sources of income.


60 minutes to learn

Would studying be the basis for becoming richer? Well, on this one , we will ignore footballers... According to this study, rich people would spend about 60 minutes each day studying. Continuous, lifelong training that would allow them to become experts in very specialized fields.


30 minutes of sports

Sport is important for health... and for the bank account. Indirectly, daily activity contributes to wealth. It relieves stress and improves the mind. In short, it quite simply makes it possible to be more efficient.


30 minutes for others

We know the expression “doing social work”. Well, no matter your portfolio, relationships are still important. Every day, the wealthiest take about 30 minutes to maintain their networks. Getting news from friends, colleagues, clients... It is obviously difficult to succeed on your own, it is essential to know how to surround yourself and make yourself appreciated.


60 minutes of relaxation

This is also a very important point. Knowing how to relax is an asset in a competitive world where more and more employees crack under pressure. To avoid burnout, everyone must find the derivative that suits them best. Meditation, music, reading... To each his own, as long as you get away from it all. Millionaires obviously know this better than anyone.

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