Monday, February 7, 2022


How to get rich:

10 skills to acquire at 20 to be a millionaire at 30

If one of your goals for 2020 is to get rich (or at least learn how to properly manage your wealth, whatever it may be), these 10 recommendations will interest you.


how to get rich 10 skills to acquire at 20 to be a millionaire at 30

How to become rich? Today we're tackling one of the big questions of getting rich: 10 skills you need to learn by 20 to become a millionaire by 30. We've gathered advice from the experts and, most importantly, people who are there. successes, which you can apply to your daily life, your finances, your career, even if your goals are not so ambitious. What become a good manager of your fortune, whatever it is. Here's how to get rich.


1. Visualize your goals and take action

This is perhaps the most important thing because it marks the beginning of everything: if you want to be rich and successful at 30, you have to be very clear about what you want to be, what you want to do, what your goals... And you can learn a lot of things, it's not just innate. You must be able to visualize your ideal future and the steps that will lead you there. And be decisive and persistent when it comes to taking them.


2. Invest in your education

Not from us, but from Bill Gates, who was one of the richest men in the world. "What's your best financial advice for someone who wants to make $100,000 a year," the Microsoft founder was once asked. "Invest in your education". It is quite logical. If you want to be rich without having a rich family, you need to cultivate management and leadership skills.


3. More results, less bragging

Some believe that the ability to climb the professional and social ladder lies more in the intrigues in which one participates than in the results for which one can be held responsible. And that's a mistake. If you want to climb that ladder or reach that source of income, show that your work is worth it, that you are efficient, that you are productive in what you do. It's a matter of ethics and pride.


4. Surround yourself with people you can learn from

You can approach it from a networking perspective, by building a network of professional contacts that you can leverage, or from a lifestyle perspective: surround yourself with people you admire and who will teach you things. Not only because of the economic factor (money calls money), but also as an investment in the future. However, this may mean that you have to approach people who are older than you.


5. Become a financial master

It is a basic recommendation not only for those who want to be rich, but also for something as simple as saving. If you want good fortune, you must learn how to create it by first mastering your finances. What do we mean by that? Control your income, expenses, ability to save and invest, then track where the money is. Surround yourself with trusted managers and advisors.


6. Save to invest

One of the first habits our parents teach us, along with the piggy bank, is to save. This is the key to learning how to manage our finances, but specialists advise us to go further: invest what we have saved. It is a way to look for new sources of income and if you are afraid of the possible risks, contact a financial agent who can become your right arm.


7. Focus on increasing your income

If we focus on more tangible, short-term goals, the advice of experts is to increase our income. Seems obvious, doesn't it? Not that much. How to do ? By optimizing our capacities and our time. For example, you can ask for a raise or consider moving to a better paying position. Another example: getting an extra job for free.


8. Obtain multiple sources of capital

Directly related to the above: maximizing your skills and time should translate into different sources of income. According to those in the know, most people with big incomes have at least three. We can talk about it as different payers (different jobs, depending on your time), real estate rental, stock market investments or as a member of several companies.


9. Bet on being your own boss

You have probably thought, especially considering the previous recommendations, that it is difficult to achieve the goal of being rich by 30 by working for someone else. This is what specialists and millionaires who have achieved precisely what you are looking for are looking for. Ideally, you work alone, freelance or start your own business. Be your boss, the one who makes the decisions. And the money, of course.


10. Be disciplined and assertive

As they said in Spider-Man, with great power comes great responsibility. And getting rich comes with a lot of responsibility, especially if you're a successful entrepreneur or freelancer. You must be assertive (knowing who to say "yes" to and who to say "no") and disciplined (a routine that allows you to take care of everything and at the same time have time to enjoy what you have earned ). Lead a healthy life and learn to manage stress.


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